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ExonTech Digital Plant Relocation and Services

In 2015 3D Engineering Surveys merged with ExonTech Engineering.  ExonTech Engineering has developed the only digital plant relocation and asset management system on the market, designed specifically to completely project management, track, and monitor such projects for the stakeholders.


To physically relocate used plants, ExonTech has developed a digital system and a database that is designed specifically through 30 years of plant relocations to track, manage, and plan complete relocations from dismantle to laydown to shipping and ultimately rebuild / redesign and re-commissioning, whereby we ensure ultimate reuse of all assets purchased by our clients enabling complete rebuild within time and budget with minimal waste.


Using our software and applications which can be used and managed on site by our client’s staff,  we are able to record, upload (using our own Tablet Apps) into our ‘Asset Master’ database, vast amount of information prior to and during the relocation process. Using this information, we can then generate reports, audits, instructions, shipping manifests and 3D Models and design drawings to greatly assist in the ultimate refurbishment, shipping, laydown, rebuild, commissioning as well as future operation of the plant in its desired destination.


The attached PDF illustrates this in more detail, however in a nutshell, to assist the contractors completing the relocation, we have developed some software and on site applications that can asset log every item in the plant given it an ATN (asset transfer number) – each number will hold valuable asset information (image; condition; dimensions; weight etc) which is then linked to an AVEVA 3D Model (no other company has this capability), and the 2D documents produced such as isometrics and P&IDs. The information recorded and logged during dismantling is then used to project manage the entire relocation process (dismantle; ship; laydown; redesign (for rebuild or integration into another plant) and rebuild and commission. Our server will hold all information which can be shared with the stake holders of the project as a tool to manage both financials and the technical elements of these projects.

For full details of this service, please click the presentation button or click the download button to access the complete presentation.

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Deliverables and Services 

Successfully Completed Petrochemical and Oil Refineries Relocation Projects


KNPC Shuaiba Refinery

PIC Ammonia & Urea

Shell Batangas Philippines

Collombey Oil Refinery

Milford Murco Oil Refinery

Arklow Nitric Acid Plant

Belfast  Chemical Plant            

3 x Gas Pumping Stations         

Cobh Ammonia Plant

Kemira Chemical Plant

Yara Immingham Fertilizer

Gulf Oil Refinery

Texas USA  Gas Processing Plant 

IFI Plant Marino Point 

Georgia Gulf Methanol Plant

Chevron Batangas Refinery

Locations (From-to)

Kuwait - Australia

Kuwait - Oman

Philippines - ?

UK – Vietnam

UK – Pakistan

Ireland to China

Ireland to China    

UK to Nigeria & Cameroon

Chile to US

Holland to Pakistan

UK to India

UK to  Pakistan

Houston to Philadelphia

Republic of Ireland to Chile

USA –  Texas - Louisiana       

Philippines to Argentina



PIC / NBTC Group

Shell / Akedah Australia


Byco Petroleum

Sichuan Fertilizer

Sichuan Fertilizer  

Zawawi 3D Services

Louisiana Chemical

Fatima Fertilizers

Yara Fertilizers

Byco Petroleum


Bord Gáis

Alpha Argentina  

Chevron / CJI Batangas

Project Appraisal – Fatima Fertilizer  - Ammonia Plant dismantled in Kemira and rebuilt in Pakistan. Upon completion, the project engineer of Fatima Fertilizers Mr Saeed Akhtar – Kemira Project Engineer – Fatima Fertilizers wrote the following:

“As far as dismantling of ammonia plant is considered, that was really a very good dismantling, packing and shipment. Anyone can imagine that this was a very big task to rebuild this plant and safely commissioned, and that challenged was completed. I really appreciate the efforts of your team. For rebuilding of ammonia plant the EXON TECH LTD software has done a wonderful role and I think this was the key to success”

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